The admission to some elearning courses  in VAS Campus is subject to a fee.

They are the one with Pay Pal icon near the title.

First of all you need your own account on  VAS Campus site. To do this, please your request to

Once you have your account, you can verify the fee clicking on the Info icon (i)  on the right of the title of the course you are interested in. In the same page you will find other important infos about the course.

You can pay in two ways:

  • Using bank transfer method

  • Using PayPal or Credit Cards

Using bank transfer method:
Make a bank transfer to the following references

Bank Transfer

Banco di Desio e della Brianza

Agenzia di Corsico n. 93

IBAN IT74 V034 4033 0300 0000 0161 200

Indicate on the document your name and the course chosen

(please send copy of the receipt of the payment to - you will be enrolled shortly)

Using PayPall or Credit Cards (instantaneous access):

Once you are logged on VAS Campus, click on the course you are interested in and find PayPal box.

You can use PayPal accout (if you have one) or a traditional Credit Card.

The conditions of use of the payment through PayPal can vary according to the country you are  from.

Ultime modifiche: lunedì, 4 marzo 2019, 14:12